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League tables showing the performance of English secondary schools in A-level and equivalent qualifications at more than more than 3,000 schools have been published today by the Department for Education.
Our unique interactive version of the tables below allows you to search these results and others by specific school or region and compare schools of your choice against one another.
If you want to search by specific school or postcode you can type it into the search box. Alternatively, use the interactive map to search by region. You can then add schools to your comparison list by checking the ‘add to compare’ box or clicking the ‘add to compare’ button.
The individual school pages show the average point score per student, the average point score per exam and the percentage of A-level students achieving 3 A-levels at grades AAB or higher (of which at least 2 are in facilitating subjects).
These pages also display the school’s location, as well as the total number of pupils sitting exams last year.
The average points score is calculated by assigning each level a certain number of points – an A* grade scores 300 points, A 270, B 240, C 210, D 180, E 150. Totals are then divided by the number of pupils sitting the tests to provide an average.
Note: Schools with no data are excluded from the tables for several reasons, including: small numbers of pupils (which risks an individual pupil’s results being identified); investigations into maladministration of tests; or for other reasons beyond the school’s control. Many independent and state schools score zero (or very low scores) if they enter all or most pupils for alternative qualifications that are not accredited by the Government.
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