By completing this Application form we can quickly and easily determine if you are providing the UQL essentials to your learner and point you in the right direction if you’re not.
Certificate Request Procedure
Centre authorised personnel must complete the Certificate Request Form for each learner.
Please make sure you complete all the required information in the form and that it has been signed by the relevant persons for a successful claim.
We will carry out and complete all quality assurance checks and procedures on receipt of Certificate Request Forms,
then process and despatch certificates to Centres using signed for delivery options.
It is the responsibility of the centre to request qualification achievement of its learners.
For Exemptions Request or Credit Transfer, the centre must indicate it clearly in the request for a certificate
Centres can request certification for our qualifications where all required units are internally assessed and moderated by centre staff as well as externally moderated by UQL. Centres must request for a certificate for learners meeting the UQL’s requirements.